Česky: Česká verze

~ Constitution of Association AMEROPA z.s. ~

Participants 2013 - 20th anniversary
Ameropa z.s. is non-profit making organisation,
Předměřice nad Jizerou 85, 294 74 Czech Republic
registered under No 26644819

Article I.
Introductory provisions

1. AMEROPA z.s. (hereinafter the “Association”) is a voluntary union of members established in the sense of §214 and et seq. Act No. 89/2012 Coll., of the Civil Code, as amended, and as such is a legal entity capable of legal action.

2. The Association was founded as publicly beneficial, a non-profit organization. The Association is a non-political interest organization representing the interests of its members externally. It defends and promotes their education and training mainly in the music field and further contributes to the all-round development of the personality of its members. It is based on an indefinite period.

3. The registered office of the Association shall be at 294 74 Předměřice nad Jizerou čp. 85

Article II.
Goals and activities of the Association

1. The main activity of the Association is to gain knowledge about global, European, Czech and regional musical cultural traditions and develop these traditions, provide information on these traditions to the professional and lay public in the Czech Republic and abroad, and develop contacts (build “musical bridges”) between artists and supporters of chamber music, and between professional and amateur musicians without respect to their age, profession and nationality. Association shall achieve this objective, in particular, through
    a) organizing and supporting educational programs and projects concerned with playing and teaching music, particularly chamber playing, under direction of top artists;
    b) organizing concerts, festivals, exhibitions, seminars, lectures, conferences and workshops in the area of music;
    c) cooperation with Czech and foreign cultural institutions, schools, societies and other legal entities that contribute to gaining knowledge of and strengthening musical cultural traditions and to development of music and art;
    d) promotional and publishing activities in the area of music and musical cultural traditions;
    e) advisory and informative activities for artists, general public, municipalities and regions; and
    f) awareness raising and education aimed at culture and tolerance in the lives of individuals and society.

2. The secondary economic activity supporting the main activity is:
    a) the purchase and sale of music material and musical recordings;
    b) agency activity;
    c) advertising activity.

Article III.
Membership in the Association

1. A member of the Association may be a person over 18 years of age and any legal person who agrees with the Articles of Association and the program of the Association. The applicant will become a member of the Association by entering on the list of members of the association. Nobody may be forced to become a member of the Association. Nobody is entitled to become a member of the Association

2. Membership of the Association shall be decided on the basis of a written application by the Executive Committee of the Association. Membership arises after the decision of the Executive Committee, on the day on when the Executive Committee of the Association decides on the admission of the applicant.

3. Membership in the Association is canceled by deleting from the list of members. The reason for the deletion is the member's appearance at his own request, the death of a individual entity or the despiry of a legal entity who is a member of the Association or the expulsion of a member of the Association, if the member violates the constitution of the Association systematically and repeatedly.

4. Each member of the Association have the right:
    a) to vote and to be elected to all the bodies of the Association;
    b) to participate actively in all activities of the Association;
    c) to be regularly informed about all activities of the Association;
    d) to use the property of the Association;
    e) to participate in its activities, including those not intended exclusively for members of the Association;

5. Each member of the Association has the following responsibilities:
    a) to participate in the Assembly of the members of the Association, especially the member meetings of the Association;
    b) to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and decisions of the member meetings of the Association;
    c) to contribute to development of the activities of the Association and achievement of its objectives through their personal and material performances;
    d) to contribute to the activity of the Association by a membership fee, the amount and method of payment shall be determined by the bodies of the Association;
    e) to take care of the property of the association to prevent it from being stolen or damaged;
    f) to comply with the provisions of the Constitution of the Association.

Article IV.
Bodies of the Association

1. Members' meeting
    a) A members meeting is the supreme body of the association.
    b) Members' meeting shall be quorate in the presence of an absolute majority of all members of the association. The members' meeting shall be decided by simple majority. In the event of equality of votes, the President's vote shall be decided. Minutes shall be drawn up on the proceedings of the Members’meeting.
    c) A members meeting shall be composed of all members of the association. Each member has the right to participate in the members meeting and vote on election of the elected bodies of the Association.
    d) A members’ meeting shall be convened by the President of the Executive Committee of the Association. Meeting may also be convened within one month after at least two-thirds of the members of the Association requested convening its in writing.
    e) The key competences of a members meeting are:
    - the election and removal of members of the Executive Committee;
    - Approval Constitution of the Association and their changes;
    - establishment or cancellation of Affiliate associations supporting the main activities;
    - the establishment of other bodies of the Association, either temporary or permanent;
    - a decision to cancel the Association or merge it with another Association;
    f) The members' meeting, together with the executive committee, shall constitute the concept of the association's activities as determined by the constitution. It also evaluates the existing activities of the association, discusses and approves the annual reports and supervises the management of the association with the help of the control bodies. It forms a conception of the secondary activities of the association, decides to cooperate with other subjects, about members' contributions and admission as a member or exclusion from the association.

2. Executive Committee of the Association
    a) It is together with the President of the Executive Committee the governing body of the Association. Executive Committee is elected by members meeting for term of five years. The Executive Committee elects the President of the Association from its members. The Executive Committee consists of at least three and most of six members. The Executive Committee shall have a quorum with at least half of the members of the Committee. Each member of the committee has one vote. A decision of the Executive Committee shall require the consent of a majority of the members of the Association present. In the event of a tie, the President of the Committee shall decide.
    b) The Executive Committee of the Association governs the activities of the Association in the period between the Meetings of Members, keeps records of the members of the Association and ensures the administration of the Association, logs Members’ meeting.
3. The President of the Executive Committee of the Association
    a) The President of the Executive Committee of the Association is the formal head of the Association. The President represents the Association externally in all legal relations throughout its term of office.
    b) The President shall elect and remove the Executive Committee. If she/he is not recalled or retires, his term of office shall end with the beginning of the term of office of the newly elected President.
    c) The President shall convene at least once a year a members meeting, to which he shall report to the members about the activity and management of the Association. The President of the association is also obliged to convene an extraordinary meeting within one month after at least two-thirds of the members of the Association have requested it in writing.
    d) The President may delegate a part or all of his /her competence to a third party. This authorization must be approved in advance by the Executive Committee and must be in writing. Authorization of delegated competences shall be recorded in writing. The Executive Committee may initiate the revocation of delegated competences, this will be done in writing. The minutes will be stored at the headquarters of the Association.

Article V.
Principles of Economic Management of the Association

1. In its economic management, the Association shall be governed by the generally binding regulations.

2. Income of the Association shall include, in particular, revenues from activities of the Association or from the activities of Affiliate associations that the association has set up to achieve its goals. The association also manages members' contributions, donations, subsidies, grants etc.

3. The revenues of the association are also income from secondary activities, such as the purchase and sale of music materials, music records, agency activities, advertising.

Article VI.
Affiliate Associations

1. The Association may establish Affiliate Associations.

2. The name of the Affiliate Association have to be a single part of the name of the branch association, which is the word Ameropa.

3. The Affiliate Association acts in its own affairs independently and acts on its own behalf in its entirety. On the behalf of the Affiliate Association acts the executive manager; signing for the Affiliate Association is done by the executive manager by adding his signature to its printed or written name.

4. The Affiliate Association is a separate accounting and tax entity and may have its own bank accounts. The management of the Affiliate Association is governed by the principles set out in Article V of the contribution.

Article VII.
Extinction of association

The association shall terminate on the basis of a resolution of an absolute majority of its members present at the member's meeting a decision to cancel the association or merge it with another Association.

Article VIII.
Joint and Concluding Provisions

1. The matters of the Association that are not regulated by this Constitution shall be governed by Civil Code and the generally binding regulations.

2. Any amendment to the Constitution of Association shall be established by the Association in the Collection of Registry Records.

3. This Constitution of Association become effective on the date of registration in the Federal Register. In Předměřice nad Jizerou on 8 December 2017
In Předměřice nad Jizerou, December 8, 2017